Monday, November 22, 2010

San Sebastian and the Bakeries

Hello readers!!! In this edition of Michael Shepherd abroad we have a smattering of pictures that you are able to view via Facebook or you can see a couple on here. We are also proud to bring you another adventure abroad of San Sebastian! Okay guys so this week I went to San Sebastian. It was a lot of fun and the hour long bus ride there wasn't bad at all. It was rather dreary weather but that didn't stop me from having fun or the swimmers from enjoying the waves. It was freezing outside!!! Most of the surfers decided to wear wet-suits, but some crazy guy was jumping around the beach on just some swim trunks. Jaime and I went to San Sebastian together, and we first got some food when we got there. Instead of going to a bar to get some food, we went to a bakery. There we didn't find anything whole, just some souffles and other pastries that were AMAZING! Then we climbed this huge and got to the castle on top of it. We were walking up to it and saw Jesus. Well a statue of him. I dubbed this picture "Modern Jesus" because of the telephone antennae he is sporting on his back.

But the castle was over-all a really interesting place to be, we could see the whole city and the river running right through it. We found a cannon and some German girls up there, they could speak German, English and Spanish. I was jealous, super jealous. Next we went to check out some bit building that Jaime wanted to see. It was closed but I was okay with that, it was just a building to me. Although we did find an ice cream store right next to it, which thankfully was open. We also got to a restaurant called "Vaca" or "Cow". It was very americanized but we didn't care, we just wanted a sandwich. While walking around eating our food (very American), we walked through a really cool park where we found this statue of two lions. I took the liberty of their permanent state to take a picture next to them. 

In San Sebastian I saw the ocean for the second time in my life. It was frankly amazing. It ran off into the sky without so much as a goodbye, but always threw waves my direction. It was pretty cool. I have officially skipped a stone into 2 different oceans. That same night we returned to Bilbao and to our flat. I showered, changed and went off to a bar with my friends from the Txoco. We went to a bar to watch the soccer game between Madrid and Bilbao. Madrid smashed Bilbao because we suck, and Ronaldino just kicked out butt, scoring 2 points out of 4. It was fun watching my friends because they would get super angry when Madrid scored. Apparently between the 2 teams there is a lot of animosity. I didn't bring my camera though so I couldn't get any pictures of angry people. Well it is getting late here so I am going to go, but I hope you enjoyed reading it and don't forget to check out the pictures on facebook!

That is me skipping a stone into the ocean.

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