Thursday, December 9, 2010

I would just like to point out that in my last post I made a grave error. Christopher Columbus didn't discover North America, he did in fact discover the "America's", which encompasses much more than North America. He landed in South America in 1492 and the Mayflower, which is different, landed on Plymouth Rock in 1621 and they, the "Pilgrims" feasted with the Indians.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Swimming, Chicken Noodle Soup and Getxo.

Wow! So it has been a while since I last posted on here. Okay well I will try to remember the best stories and put good pictures up. Well where to start....Thanksgiving is NOT celebrated here, obviously since Christopher Columbus didn't feast with the Indians in Spain, he did it in what is now the United States! But anyways, I celebrated that festive day with some of the Americans here in Spain doing this same program as me! It was a lot of fun and we had a lot of great food. It was my job to bring a dessert so I was looking on to find a great dessert. I decided to make banana pudding and I went to the store to buy all the ingredients. It was very difficult because I didn't know how to say whipped cream or sour cream in Spanish and they also didn't have any pudding mix, so I opted for a cake. And no, not one to make, but one that was already made. It wasn't nearly as good as the other stuff though. We had biscuits, chicken casserole, turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, chocolate chip cookies, clementines, and much, much more. I didn't know anyone there before I went and now I have new friends here! We ended up sitting in the living room and talking for 5 hours, it was a lot of fun. All the girls were really into the conversation and the guys and I were just laying back and saying nothing, it was funny. It was a great Thanksgiving and we are planning to do something for Christmas too!

I don't have a picture of the swimming pool or the gym I joined but I will eventually. I go swimming or running almost everyday of the week and I can already notice a difference! A little less fat, a little more muscle, im basically a Spanish Arnold Schwarzenegger. People ask me all the time if we're related, jk. Well because of this weight loss my pants are always about to fall down. I have to wear shorts underneath them and use a belt to keep them up haha. They were already big when I came here though. I still haven't been paid from my job yet but I should be paid on the 15th or so, and when I do get paid, I am going to the mall and getting some new pants! My favorite store here is H and M, which apparently they have it in the States as well. I am still looking for more teaching jobs on the side, but I am enjoying the ones that I already have! Two of my students are Danny and Lorea who are brother and sister. Their mom is really nice and they treat me like a king at their house. I never tried Chestnuts before but they gave me a bag and I ate the whole thing. 

Jaime and I didn't work this weekend or the past Monday, Tuesday or Today(Wednesday) because of religious holidays, therefore we traveled a little bit to a town called Getxo which is on the coast. It was pretty cool, very pretty and home of the Hanging Bridge. We ate at a restaurant there that was based in Germany so the food was definitely something new to me. I picked the thing that had the most words that I couldn't recognize. It was okay, but really creamy. We watched some guys waste about 100 Euros on a gambling game and win nothing! They could have bought the whole damn place dinner, but nooooo, they gambled it away. We walked around the city and saw Christmas decorations, the Hanging Bridge, and the ocean! It is so weird being able to see the ocean.

Okay so I actually haven't cooked spaghetti in about a week! This is due to 2 reasons; Jaime cooked it once so that doesn't count, and also I cooked Home made Chicken Noodle Soup! It was awesome!!! It definitely tasted like chicken noodle soup so I guess I did a great job! Jaime and I cooked it together cause if I did it by myself I might burn the flat down. We were doing alright until we saw that the pot we were using was full of liquid, and we hadn't even added the chicken, carrots or noodles. It was also the biggest pot that we had! So we had to separate the soup into two different pots to cook it. Also this should have been a sing that we were cooking too much. There is still enough in the fridge to feed me for the next 4 days, therefore I am going to look at the amount of servings a recipe will provide me with before I cook it next time!

Everything here is going pretty well, I am enjoying my job, english classes, piano lessons, and traveling around Spain. I learn something new everyday whether it be a spanish word, something about the culture here, a fact from one of my online classes, or something about myself. I am doing so much here and I am very glad that I am here. Until next time.......................!!!